Monday, September 30, 2013

What we carry over to our next life

Published: 30th September 2013 09:28 AM
When the soul is in the causal body it has within itself an imprint of the impressions of the experiences it underwent during its life on the lower planes i.e., the mental, astral and the physical planes. When the life on the higher mental sub-plane comes to an end, trishna reasserts itself, and the ego once again turns its attention outwards.

Desire with its army of tendencies consisting of material qualities, sensations, abstract ideas, tendencies of mind, awaits the ego as it re-emerges to assume a new incarnation. The seeds of past tendencies commence to germinate as soon as the new personality begins to form itself for the new incarnation.

The process is brought about by the ego turning its attention first to the stored mental impressions, which immediately resume activity and then to the stored astral impressions. The tendencies, which had been in a condition of suspended animation, are thrown outwards by the ego as it returns to re-birth.   First, it draws around itself matter from the physical world, and its elemental essence.  The ego thus begins in this respect exactly where it had left off.   Next, it draws round itself matter from the astral world and its elemental essence thus obtaining the materials out of which its new astral body will be built, causing re-appearance of appetites, emotions, and passions brought over from past lives.

The astral matter is gathered by the ego descending to re-birth automatically. This material is an exact reproduction of the matter in the astral body at the end of its last astral life. The soul thus resumes its life in each world just where it had left it last time.  Each incarnation is inevitably and automatically linked with the preceding lives, so that the whole series forms a continuous, unbroken chain.

This ego in its descent to incarnation does not receive ready-made mental and astral bodies, instead it receives material out of which these bodies will be built, in the course of the life that is to follow. Moreover the matter it receives is capable of providing it with mental and astral bodies, exactly of the same type it had at the end of its last astral and mental lives, respectively.

The qualities are simply the germs of qualities, which have secured for themselves a possible field of manifestation in the matter of the new bodies. Whether they develop in this life into the same tendencies as in the last one will depend largely upon the encouragement, given to them by the surroundings of the child during its early years. Any one of them, good or bad may be readily stimulated into activity by encouragement, or, on the other hand may be starved out for lack of that encouragement. If stimulated, it becomes a more powerful factor in one’s life this time than it was in one’s previous existence, if starved out, it remains merely as an unfructified germ. The child cannot thus be said to have as yet a definite astral body, but the matter out of which to build it.

For example, suppose one was a drunkard in one’s past life, in kamaloka or astral plane one would have burnt out the desire for drink and be definitely freed from it. But although the desire itself is dead, there still remains the same weakness of character which made it possible for one to be subjected by it. In one’s next life the astral body will contain matter capable of giving expression to the same desire, but one is in no way bound to employ such matter in the same way as before.

In the hands of careful and capable parents, who regard such desires as evil, one would gain control over them, repress them as they appear, and hence the astral matter will remain unvivified and become atrophied from want of use. The matter of the astral body is slowly but constantly wearing away and being replaced, precisely as is that of the physical body.

As atrophied matter disappears it will be replaced by matter of a more refined order. Thus are vices finally conquered and made virtually impossible for the future.

The article has been taken from the book ‘Life Beyond Death’ by Anil Sharma

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